Weapon assets or weapon attachments assets can be used in both First-person (FP) and Third-person (TP) view. Meshes
have LODs and will be optimized for different screen percentage values (distance from camera). You can use already
set values or tweak them on your own.
As for the animations, it depends.
Basically FP and TP animations have different look and feel. FP animations place more emphasis on dynamics, while TP
animations on realistic look. For example, replacing the weapon magazine when reloading - the moment when the hand is
off-camera is quite accelerated to not waste the player's time and not let him get bored, while in TP - the hand has
to reach the hip (pocket or belt) for a more realistic look. Most of actions in FP made in front of camera (face)
which will look weird from TP view. Nobody aims down sights from a center of face in real life (TP) and etc.
However, FP animations may be used as a reference layer in the production of full body animations in 3D software.
In our experience, the best results for projects with the ability to switch the camera view are achieved by using two
character meshes at the same time. One - FP arms with it's AnimBlueprint, the other - TP full body with corresponding
AnimBlueprint. Both sets of animations should have the same duration and structure. The main idea is to synchronize
both playing animations from the two AnimBlueprints. Meshes visibility for FP managed by "Owner No See" and "Only
Owner See" params. This method also allows you to cast a shadow from the full body motion, while player see only FP